Downloading auto-generated invites

You can download the invites that you generate automatically by following these steps:

1. Select the test you want to download the invites for.

2. Click Invited under the Candidates section. 

Screenshot from 2023-03-29 12-25-33

3. Click Download invites

Screenshot from 2023-03-29 12-25-09

The document is downloaded in the .xlsx format and comprises the following information:

1. Test link: This column contains the test link sent to the candidate

2. HackerEarrh reference email: This column contains the HackerEarth reference email

3. Invited on: This column contains the date on which the candidate is invited to take the test

4. Invited by: This column contains the email ID of the test admin

5. Invite type: This column contains the type of invite.