Creating Diagram-based questions

To create diagram-based questions, follow these steps:

  1. Log into HackerEarth Recruit using your admin credentials.
  2. Click Questions Library.

    Important:  It is assumed that you are logged in as an admin in HackerEarth Recruit.

  3. In the Library section, click Diagram.
  4. Click Add diagram question.
  5. In the Problem Name field, enter the name of the problem.
  6. In the Problem Statement field, enter the problem statement.
  7. In the Difficulty level list, select the difficulty level of the problem. For example, Easy.
  8. In the Max. Marks field, enter the maximum marks that you want to assign to your question.
  9. In the Tags field, enter the tags that you require for your question.
  10. Click Save Diagram Question.

Now, your problem is saved and displayed in the Diagram section.

To upload the diagram snippet and reference diagram of your question, follow these steps:

  1. Click on the problem that you have created.
  2. Your question will be displayed on the right half of your screen consisting of the given problem name, problem statement, and difficulty level.
  3. In the Diagram snippet section, click Create diagram to upload the diagram snippet of your question. After clicking this button
    Note: Diagram snippet is a partially completed diagram that you create for your candidates to further work on.
  4. In the Reference diagram section, click Create diagram to upload the reference diagram of your question.
    Note: This diagram is created for judges to refer while evaluating the answer. It is not visible to candidates.
    Important: Once you have created your diagram snippet and reference diagram, you can edit it by clicking Edit diagram.
  5. In the Answer section, you can write the necessary answer in the form of text. It is not visible to the candidates.
  6. Click Save Diagram Question to save your question.

You have successfully created a Diagram question.