What are the Whitelisted/allowed endpoints?

HackerEarth platform makes use of certain 3rd party services to improve the overall experience of the platform. These services help in providing higher availability of HackerEarth services and faster response times overall. 

Enterprises use services like DLP, VPN, CASB, and other data protection services to avoid data leaks from individual devices. Some of these block a few endpoints that are critical for the smooth functioning of the HackerEarth platform. 

The following table has been created to highlight the various endpoints that should be whitelisted/allowed/exempted. These endpoints are managed services that have already been included as part of HackerEarth’s Data protection annexure and are GDPR compliant.

All HackerEarth products

[Assessments, Hiring Challenges, Hackathons, FaceCode]


Required for both admin and candidate interface. Specific Static content is being served from here



Required for both admin and candidate interface. Firebase is used extensively to supplement dat for user flows



Required for both admin and candidate interface. Firebase is used extensively to supplement dat for user flows



Primary domain. Platform would not work if this is not accessible




Required to collect analytics and support




For Recaptcha



Required to download static assets




Required to access support widget - Zendesk




Required for error reporting



CDN to fetch front end files




For user experience logging 

FaceCode only



Required for audio/video streaming


Open UDP Port 3478

Open TCP port 443

Opening ports will enhance the overall audio/video quality on the platform