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Problem setting for HackerEarth
Hackathons and Hiring Challenges
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Supported browsers and languages
HackerEarth Assessment supports the following browsers (up to the last 2 versions):
- Mozilla Firefox
- Google Chrome
- Edge
- Safari
HackerEarth Assessment allows you to code in multiple languages.
Note: The languages that you are allowed to code in during a test are based on the languages that the test admin has set up while creating the test.
The languages that are supported include the following.
- X - Time limit will be mentioned in the problem statement.
- The maximum memory limit is 256 MB.
S. No. Language Version 1 Bash gnu bash v5.0.17 2 C gcc 10.3 3 C++14 g++ 10.3 4 C++17 g++ 10.3 5 C# C# 8.0 (mono 6.X) 6 Clojure clojure 1.10.1 7 D DMD 2.097.0 8 Erlang ERTS 12.0.2 9 F# F# 5.0 10 Go go 1.16.6 11 Groovy groovy 2.4.21 12 Haskell ghc 9.0.1 13 Java 8 openjdk 1.8.0_241 14 Java 17 openjdk 17 15 JavaScript (Node.js) Node.js v18.15 16 Julia v1.6.2 17 Kotlin 1.5.21 18 Lisp (SBCL) sbcl 2.1.6 19 Lua 5.4.3 20 Objective C clang 12.0.1 21 OCaml 4.12.0 22 Octave 5.2 23 Pascal 3.2.2 24 Perl 5.30.0 25 PHP 7.4.3 26 Python python 2.7.18 287 Python 3 Python 3.10 28 Python 3.8 Python 3.8.10 29 R (RScript) 4.1.0 30 Racket v8.1 31 Ruby 3.0.1 32 Rust 1.68.0 33 Scala 2.12.14 34 Swift swift 5.4.2 (Note: We run and evaluate in Linux environment)
35 Typescript typescript v4.9.5
Visual Basic mono 6.12, vbnc