ID verification

HackerEarth has introduced a new proctoring setting called ID verification, where you have to upload a government ID (Aadhar or PAN) along with an image captured before the assessment, which we verify to ensure that the candidate taking the assessment is the same as the one in the government ID. This makes the assessment more secure.

Here is how the ID verification works in assessments:

  1. Log in to attempt the assessment on the platform.
  2. A system compatibility check will automatically take place. If your system is compatible, click Accept and Continue.
  3. You will see the photo ID verification window.
  4. Select the ID type from the mentioned options.
  5. Click Upload file to upload the selected ID.
  6. Click Verify ID. The system will verify your uploaded ID.
  7. You will be redirected to the Photo verification window. Click Capture to capture a picture of yours.
  8. Click Proceed to verification. The system will start verifying your Photo and ID. After the successful verification, you can proceed to the assessment. 

If your ID verification is unsuccessful, you can retry the process once. If it fails again, you can still proceed to the assessment. Your test admin will review the ID after the assessment. 

This is how ID verification works in the HackerEarth Assessments.