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Release notes: November 7, 2023

Multiple domain support

HackerEarth has introduced multiple domain support in a single HackerEarth account. Large companies with several subsidiaries can now combine their usage of HackerEarth into one account. Additionally, now you can log in to the HackerEarth account using your email address, regardless of which domain it belongs to (either normal login or SSO if configured).

Resuing the custom tags

You can now reuse the custom tags created for a particular test. Previously, you needed to add the tags for each question, even if the tags had already been added to another question.

We have now started saving and recommending tags that have been added to the HackerEarth library and also by you in your own account. This will make it easier to find relevant questions for your assessments.

What’s new 

We have included a new option in the profile menu called What’s new!, which will show you the product release notes so that you do not miss any features that have been introduced in the month. This will help you stay updated on the new features introduced and updates done in the platform.